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Academic Warning/Suspension/Readmission

Academic Warning/Suspension/Readmission

Students will be placed on academic warning if their cumulative GPA at UA falls below 2.0 but a student’s status is within the appropriate Scholastic Progress Standard (SPS) parameters (for example, a student with 45 overall credit hours earned with a 1.90 cumulative GPA at UA will be placed on academic warning).

Students previously placed on Academic Warning (UA GPA of less than 2.00) who do not earn the required minimum University of Alabama cumulative GPA based on Scholastic Progress Standard in the following semester of attempted coursework will be placed on one-term academic suspension. Students placed on one-term academic suspension will be on academic leave during the next major term (fall or spring).

Students will be placed on indefinite academic suspension if they fall below the required minimum University of Alabama cumulative GPA designated by the Scholastic Progress Standard after being reinstated from the one-term academic suspension. A student on indefinite academic suspension will be on academic leave for an indefinite period of time but a minimum of one academic year.

Following the minimum academic leave, permission to return to UA may be reviewed by the college or school designee where the student was previously enrolled.

If you feel that you experienced extreme circumstances that have affected your ability to meet good standing, then you may petition for reinstatement. Petitioning the college does not guarantee your request for early reinstatement will be approved. A petition for early reinstatement is an exception to UA Academic Policy, and most petitions are not approved. Forms required to petition for reinstatement are below. Please read the direction carefully and make submissions before the dates below.

  • Fall 2024 Term – August 9, 2024
  • Spring 2025 Term – January 3, 2025

One Term Suspension Petition

Indefinite Suspension Petition

If you have not attended The University of Alabama in longer than a full fall and spring term, you will need to apply for readmission online. After creating your login and PIN, select Undergraduate Admissions and complete the undergraduate application. Be sure to select the option that indicates you have previously attended.