Sample Major for FRC Clone

Fashion Retailing Concentration for AT majors

The fashion retailing concentration is planned for students interested in preparing for merchandising and management careers in retailing and related fashion fields. Supervised internships are offered during the senior year for students who have successfully completed 86 hours, of which must include a set of specific professional courses. During the full-semester internship, the student participates in an approved work experience. Through careful planning with the adviser, a general business minor may be completed with two additional courses.

Required courses for apparel design concentrationHours
CTD 231 Sewn Products Analysis*3
CTD 261 Textiles*3
CTD 281 Fashion Retailing I*3
CTD 320 Visual Merchandising*3
CTD 381 Fashion Retailing Seminar*3
CTD 446 Cultural Dynamics of Apparel and Textiles3
CTD 447 Textiles and Apparel in International Trade*3
CTD 415 History of Textile Design or CTD 448 History of Costume3
CTD 461 Quality Control for Textile Products*3
CTD 481 Fashion Retailing II*3
CTD 485 Internship in Fashion Retailing6
AC 210 Introduction to Accounting (or equivalent)3-4
EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics (SB), EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics (SB), or ST 260 Statistical Data Analysis3
MGT 300 Organizational Theory and Behavior or HES 3103
MKT 300 Marketing*3
MKT 313 Buyer Behavior,MKT 337 Personal Selling, MKT 444 Promotional Management,or MKT 410 Product Development(*)3
MKT 321 Retail Management* (or equivalent)3
Total Hours57

*These courses must be completed with a passing grade (a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher) prior to enrollment in CTD 485.

Sample Curriculum for Fashion Retailing Concentration


HES 1003
EN 101 & EN 102 (or EN 103) (FC)6
CTD 2613
CTD 2813
History1 (HI) & Social/Behavioral Sciences (SB)3
Mathematics (MATH)6
Humanities2 (HU), Fine Arts (FA), & Literature (L)3
Total Hours30


CTD 2313
EC 110 (SB)3
EC 111 (SB) or ST 2603
Humanities2 (HU), Fine Arts (FA), & Literature (L)3
History1 (HI) & Social/Behavioral Sciences (SB)3
Natural Science4
Computer Science (C) or Foreign Language (FL)6-8
Total Hours28-31


CTD 3813
CTD 4613
CTD 4813
CTD 447 (W)3
CTD 448 or CTD 415 (W)3
CTD 3203
MGT 3003
MKT 3003
MKT 313, MKT 337, MKT 444, or MKT 4103
MKT 3213
Total Hours30


HES 3103
CTD 4463
CTD 4859
Humanities2 (HU) and Fine Arts (FA), & Literature (L)3
Natural Science (N)4
Writing course (W)1-4
Total Hours26-32
  1. Each student must take either a 6-hour sequence in history or a 6-hour sequence in literature.
  2. Each student who completes a 6-hour history sequence must take a 3-hour literature course.