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Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Program


Prior to declaring the major, each student wishing to major in general studies in human environmental sciences is expected to file a program of study proposal, in consultation with an advisor, in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • The proposed course of study must include 120 hours (including the statewide general studies requirements), The University of Alabama Core Curriculum requirements, and the College of Human Environmental Sciences core requirements.
  • The proposal must give evidence that the student has built a cohesive structure of interrelated ideas around a focused area within the College of Human Environmental Sciences and must include a minimum of 35 hours of coursework offered by the College of Human Environmental Sciences.
  • The proposal must demonstrate that the proposed course of study could not be better served by an existing major program within the College.
  • At the time of submission, the proposal must include a statement of approval by a faculty advisor chosen from the area of focus.
  • The proposal must indicate that the student has examined the consequences of the proposed program in relation to career goals and post-graduation plans.

Degree Requirements

The minimum requirements for a degree in General Studies in Human Environmental Sciences at The University of Alabama are:

  • An approved program of study prior to the completion of 100 hours and in accordance with the CHES guidelines and courses selected in consultation with the student’s advisor.
  • A minimum of 120 earned semester credit hours, including all University Core Curriculum requirements, and a minimum of 35 hours of coursework offered by the College of Human Environmental Sciences, including the human environmental sciences core courses (HES 310 Issues Human Envir Sciences for all students, HES 100 Freshman Compass Human Env Sci for new freshmen on campus, and HES 103 Distance Compass HES for new online freshmen).
  • A 2.0 or higher grade point average for all college-level courses attempted, all courses attempted at The University of Alabama and all courses attempted in the major field of study.
  • At least 30 semester credit hours earned in residence in the College of Human Environmental Sciences.

It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all degree requirements have been met. Students should review the academic requirements of their catalog and under DegreeWorks through their myBama account. They must meet with their academic advisors within the college two semesters before graduation to verify that all requirements will have been fulfilled by the expected date of graduation. In order to graduate, a student must submit an application for degree, using the online application for degree available through myBama no later than the time he or she registers for the final semester in residence.

For a sample General Studies in HES academic plan, please visit the UA Undergraduate Catalog.