Judy Bonner Child Development Center

Crenshaw Research Fund

Crenshaw Research Fund

About the Fund

The Crenshaw Research Fund was established by the friends and family of former Dean Mary Crenshaw, who served as dean from 1966 to 1984.

The intent of these funds is to enhance research growth in the College. To date, this fund has awarded more than $75,000 to support research efforts like purchasing new equipment or software, providing training to a faculty member, or collecting data for a research project.

Recently Funded Projects

Dr. Hhye Won Shin (2023) – Memory Disorientation: Negative Festival Experiences Leading to Positive Reactions
Dr. Jeri Zemke (2022) – The Use of Pocketalk and Standardized patients to Improve Athletic Training Students’ Preparedness to Provide Care to Patients with Limited English Proficiency
Dr. Haemi Kim (2020) – Strategies to Enhance Service Employees’ Quality of Work Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Kimberly Watkins (2020) – Examining The Influence of Parenting Styles on Financial management Behaviors of Consumers
Dr. Han-A Park (2019) – Regulation of DN-Bcl-xL-mediated Mitochondrial Death Pore in Hippocampal Neurons.
Dr. Seung Eun Jung (2018) – Eating Whole-grains Equals Living Longer
Dr. Virginia Wimberly (2018) – Don’t Send Shoes: A Case Study of Commercial Ties in Louisiana
Dr. Sherwood Burns-Nader (2017) – Examining the Use of Social Media in Adolescents with Cancer
Dr. Joy Douglas (2017) – The Positive Approach to Care Trainer Certification
Dr. Lingyan Kong (2017) – Development of Starch for Drug Delivery

Applying for Funds

Applications should be submitted via email to Ryan Moran by November 15th

Application Form can be downloaded here