Transient Student Information

Current UA students wishing to take courses at another university or community college will need to complete a transient letter to give to that respective institution.

Please follow these steps to generate a letter of transiency:

  1. In myBama, click the “Student” tab.
  2. Under Banner Self-Service, click the link “Letter of Transiency.”
  3. Choose the term,  state, and school (institution). Verify the institution address is correct.
  4. Click the “Select Transfer Courses” to proceed to the next screen.
  5. In the left column of the Transfer Corse Selection, choose the desired course and click “>” to move the course(s) into the right column.

Note:  Before selecting your course(s), use the Course Equivalencies Table at the bottom of the page to make sure you choose the correct course.  Be certain your desired course actually has a UA equivalent.  After using the tables, if you are still uncertain, please visit the Transfer Equivalency System at

  1. Once you have chosen your course(s), click “continue” to proceed to the final screen.
  2. After verifying that your information is correct, click “Generate Transient Letter.”
  3. Print a copy of this generated letter for your records and a copy to send to the institution.  (Check with the respective institution for transient letter delivery options.)