adams hall

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution

 Program Information

Workplace research indicates that managers and supervisors spend as much as forty percent of the workday resolving nonproductive conflict issues. Conflict that is poorly managed results in burdening costs for both the individual and the organization. Expanding worldwide development, the global economy, and population growth and associated social issues drive the intermingling of cultures and practices that increase the incidence of workplace conflict and destructive disagreement. Interest in and demand for conflict management has consequently risen.

The Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution provides students with the tools to manage, resolve, negotiate, and mediate conflict and to develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills for living and earning. Conflict resolution training actively engages the student in self-exploration regarding issues of perception, bigotry, bias, values, beliefs, differences, and culture. The student will learn how to verbally and physically converse without allowing differences to interfere with collaboration. Business, government, and community agencies value these skills to increase productivity and to maximize a positive workplace climate. The ability to creatively manage conflict is a skill that most employers value.

The certificate requires the successful completion of 15 hours of course work, in addition to the hours required for the masters in the student’s discipline. All 15 hours may count toward the master’s degree. Students must apply and gain admission to the UA Graduate School ( Students must adhere to all UA Graduate School admission policies and deadlines. See Section 4.3 ( of the UA Graduate Catalog.

Application and Admission Criteria

Students who wish to complete the Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution must meet admissions criteria for the Master’s degree in General Studies in Human Environmental Sciences with a 3.0 or higher GPA. If the prospective student does not have the 3.0 overall GPA or a 3.0 on the last 60 hours of course work, then the student must provide the GRE or MAT with an appropriate score. The Graduate Certificate is completed entirely.

The required courses for the certificate are as follows:

  • CSM 525 Conflict Resolution for the Workplace
  • CSM 527 Emotional Intelligence
  • CSM 528 Processes of Negotiation
  • CSM 559 Techniques of Consumer Counseling
  • CSM 586 Consumer Human Capital Management/Advanced III

For more information on the Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution, please contact:

Dr. Jennifer Humber
The University of Alabama
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Department of Consumer Sciences
Box 870158
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0158
(205) 348-6178