University Policies and Resources

Athletic Training Program Procedures and Resources

Financial Resources
The information below is provided to assist you in locating opportunities for funds to support graduate study. Additional information is available from the UA Graduate School.
The Athletic Training Program Department of Health Science, and College of Human Environmental Science is pleased to be able to offer departmental and college scholarships. The competitive scholarship application must be completed and submitted online through your myBama account. Once you are logged in, you will click on the Admissions/Scholarships tab and then the Currently Enrolled Students link inside the Scholarships box. The scholarship application you submit will be sent to the Student Services department of your College or Division as well as the National Alumni Association for review. Please read the application instructions and follow them carefully.
Professional Resources
- Alabama Athletic Trainers’ Association
- Board of Certification
- Commission on the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education
- National Athletic Trainers’ Association
- NATA Research and Education Foundation
- Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association