Be Well Solutions Dietetic Internship (BWS DI) Founded in 2017 by the physician-owned, workplace wellness company Be Well Solutions, the Be Well Solutions Dietetic Internship (BWS DI) is a fully accredited distance program promising an innovative curriculum with a corporate wellness and disease prevention concentration. BWS DI is geared toward self-motivated individuals, allowing them to take a proactive approach and create a personalized experience unique to their career goals.
Be Well Solutions
Dietetic Internship
30625 Solon Road
Cleveland, OH 44139
Katie Bigart, MS, RDN, LD
Ms. Kathryn Jensen Bigart
(216) 378-0888 (option 6)
Fax: (440)498-1366
E-mail: kbigart@bewellsolutions.com
Interns have the opportunity to choose a full-time or part-time rotation schedule and can also opt for 4 or 5 rotations as long as they meet the minimum requirement of 1,040 supervised practice hours. With the flexibility to pursue individualized internship experiences based on their career goals, interns can network with potential future employers in the geographic area of their choice. Despite being a distance program, we prioritize community for our interns with a dedicated faculty advisor team for support, virtual events throughout the program, and a post-graduation community of 160 alumni. Our program begins with a virtual orientation and ends with a virtual exit class so interns feel prepared going in and out of their internship. In addition, we provide professional development and RD Exam resources to prepare interns for their careers and post-graduation life. Applicants may apply to BWS DI for Spring and Fall Match, and we accept up to 60 interns each calendar year. As a wellness organization, we emphasize intern health and wellness like any other employee and believe that your internship experience can be a positive and fulfilling part of your RD2Be journey.