Keith & Associates Distance Dietetic Internship(KADDI) is a post-baccalaureate supervised practice experience designed to allow qualified individuals to become registry-eligible with the Commission on Dietetic Registration. KADDI is a dietetic internship fully accredited by ACEND (Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition & Dietetics) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.A distance internship allows interns to custom design their own program in their choice of demographic location. It is beyond rewarding to find one’s own preceptors and facilities to work with. This has led to both building professional relationships when working alongside local preceptors and job opportunities for our interns.
KADDI has an excellent curriculum and process in place for our interns and preceptors. You will receive several resources to be successful through your dietetic internship experience at KADDI. This includes a RD exam student guide, clinical resources, clinical skills training (nasogastric tube placement, intramuscular injections, blood pressure check, and more), monthly guest speaker meetings, and individual video conference calls with a mento dietitian designated as your faculty instructor.
Our focus is business & entrepreneurship. You will go through business & communication training to improve your overall business skills to use in your desired practice as a future RDN. Several of our interns have used these skills to open their private practice and today are successful nutrition entrepreneurs.
We are most proud of making sure to be available to provide our interns with the support they need to be successful throughout the internship experience!
Keith & Associates Distance Dietetic
115 West 3rd Street
Suite 800
Tulsa, OK 74103
Sara L Hallgren-Tillery, MA, RDN, LD
Ms. Sara L Hallgren-Tillery
Fax: (918) 585-3047
E-mail: shallgren-tillery@consultingdietitians.com