Student Services

Advising Information

Advising Information

To schedule an appointment with your advisor, please visit our new online scheduling system.

It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are advised and registered within a timely manner. Delaying advising and/or registration may result in necessary classes being full. We strongly encourage students to pursue an advising appointment several weeks before the registration period begins. Advising appointments are offered in-person and by virtually, using Zoom. If you decide to meet virtually, Zoom meeting space allows you to connect with your advisors using telephone or video chat, easily accessible via a smart phone, tablet, or personal computer. Once you schedule an advising appointment, you will receive an email that includes a link to join the meeting at your scheduled time. For additional questions, please contact your advisor directly.

Advising for the Summer and Fall semesters will begin in early March.
Advising for the Spring semester will begin in early October.

View department specific advising information below:
Department of Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design
Department of Consumer Sciences
Department of Human Environmental Sciences
Department of Health Science
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
Department of Human Nutrition, Hospitality and Sport Management

Current Students

At the College of Human Environmental Sciences, our students are first and foremost. We are committed to the success of all of our students.

The College offers ten undergraduate majors that help students reach their professional goals. The CHES Office of Student Services, located in 206 Doster Hall, is committed to helping students have a successful and rewarding college experience. Please let us know how we can help.

General Advising Questions?

Finding your Advisor – If you are unsure who your academic advisor is you can view your Degree Works for that information. In the top section, at the bottom of the second column, you will see the “advisor” section. If you click on your advisor’s name, you can email them directly from DegreeWorks.

Meet with your Advisor – Meet with your Advisor – Students should log in to our online scheduling system to schedule an advising appointment. For assistance, please contact HES Student Services at (205) 348-6150.

Registration instructions – Please see instructions provided here: Registration Times are posted at least two weeks before registration begins. Go to the “Student” tab on myBama. Under the “Academic Services” box, click on “Registration Status” and select the term. Your specific date and time for registration should display.

Registration Time —Registration times are usually posted at least two weeks before registration begins. Go to your Student tab on MyBama. Under the “Academic Services” box, click on “Registration Status” and select the term. Your specific date and time for registration should display.

Degree Works – All students should review their Degree Works every semester and before advising. For help and tutorials with Degree Works:

To Access Courses – Login to MyBama, and at the very top right select “More” (next to “Sign Out”). Select “Blackboard.” Your courses will be listed at the right, or you can go to the “My Courses” tab. Clicking on the class will take you to the content for that course. Courses are typically loaded about a week before classes start, but they may not be available until the first day of class.

Purchasing Books – You can look up textbooks at this website: . On the top right, click on BUY next to “Course Materials.” You can then add your courses to the list, and it will generate a list of textbooks you need.

Issues with Registration?

Online Courses – Students are admitted either as main campus or distance learning. If you are unsure of your status, check your Degreeworks under “Campus Code” (see example below). For online courses, main campus students must register for sections with a campus code of OLM, or “Online- Main Campus Students.” Distance learning students must register for sections with a campus code of OL, or “Online- DL/Gadsden Students.” When looking up classes, you can select “Advanced Search” to filter online courses available for main campus or distance learning students.

Waitlist – Look up the course and write down the five digit CRN of the section you would like. Go back to myBama (student or home tab), and select “add or drop classes.” In one of the blank boxes towards the bottom of the screen, input the CRN and select “submit changes.” If there is a waitlist available, an error message should pop up with instruction.

Class is Full, No Waitlist Available If a course is full, you may complete the online permit request form or email the academic department directly to request consideration. An override is NOT guaranteed, and there may be many reasons why a denial is necessary. Overrides should only be sought in special cases- if the particular course is necessary for a timely graduation or there are other serious considerations.

Registration Error (Prerequisite, Class, Major, etc.) Please fill out the online permit request form. Please allow 24-48 business hours for staff to process your request. Confirmation will be communicated via your Crimson e-mail account.

Need to Change your Major?

If you would like to change your major, you may do so in myBama under the Student tab. For those wishing to change their major to Human Environmental Sciences, you must meet with an Academic Advisor in HES Student Services. Please contact HES Student Services at (205) 348-6150 for more information.

Getting close to Graduation?

Apply to Graduate – Students should ideally apply one semester before they intend to graduate. When logged into MyBama, select the Student tab, look under the Student Services box in the top center of the screen for the Apply to Graduate icon, and select the term you plan to graduate. For more information regarding graduation, see here:

Financial Concerns?

Financial Aid – You will need to contact financial aid directly ( or 205-348-6756) if you have any questions about financial aid requirements.

Billing and Tuition – – For questions about billing and tuition, including billing holds preventing registration, contact Student Account Services, or 205-348-5350.